I like cats! Cats are beautiful! Cats are clever! Cats, they melt my heart.
I have a lovely lady cat in my parent's house and I miss her a lot. She was a 1-2 month-old abandonded kitten when I first met her in a street 15 years ago. She was only the size of my hand.
That was the moment of destiny. Soon she started walking with me quietly, but very happily, with her chin up. We walked together to my 3rd floor student flat (4th floor in American way), climbing stairs. I was not allowed to keep pets in my student flat but I accidentally opened the door and she walked in just like it was her own home, and I said to myself, 'Oh, I've done it!' There was no possible way that I could abandon her, so being a bit naughty I allowed her to stay.
Now she is an old lady. My mother said the other day that she's having a bit of health problem due to her age. She has had a good life, though:)
Oh, cats. They have been always around me, even before I came into the world. But sadly, my current living environment is not very suitable for having a cat.
However! I have a quite a few STONE CATS here!
My favorite pastime is painting animals on stones. I painted this Tabby Cat the other day. He makes good company and none of the mess:) One day I will have a real one, though. You can't beat the feeling of cuddling a real fluffy cat, can you?